What is Church


Let’s begin by clarifying what the church is not. While it may serve as a place or a source for answers, it is not necessarily “THE Answer” itself. The church is not a haven without problems or troubled individuals; at times, and amongst all the good it does, can be a space that gives rise to challenging experiences. Despite its occasional complexities, the church predominantly consists of people earnestly seeking God. In the context of the Christian church, there is a recognition of the triune God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The infallible and incorruptible nature of scripture as the word of God is acknowledged without exceptions. Christian churches deviating from these fundamental tenets are often Christian in name only.

The essence of the church lies in being the manifestation of what the Bible describes as the gathering of believers with the explicit goal of aiding individuals in finding God. The motivation behind seeking God is universal – both believers and non-believers will confront difficulties and ultimately face death, often in solitude and without companions on that specific day or moment. As we all pass through death’s door, the crucial question arises: what awaits us on the other side? The answers vary, with atheists claiming “nothing,” and various religions proposing alternatives from “reincarnation” to a “state of bliss” or “call it whatever you want.” What remains certain is that everyone will traverse that door. The Christian church endeavors to assist people in receiving the free gift of grace from God through His son Jesus, ensuring that when they pass through that door, He welcomes them to His eternal Kingdom.

Referencing John 3:16 in the Gospel of John, the profound message is conveyed: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” It is this concept of everlasting life that distinguishes Jesus from other belief systems. The church provides a wonderful environment where individuals, seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus, gather collectively. Whether it’s a sizable building with numerous attendees or a small gathering of Jesus’ followers in a home, finding a Christian church is significant. Coming together with like-minded individuals and pursuing an intimate relationship with Jesus are crucial aspects. For these reasons, the Christian Church holds vital importance in our existence this side of death’s door. Don’t overlook it – pursue Jesus by engaging in open dialogue with Him, and you’ll swiftly discover how to hear Him often. For more information, take a look at the resources available at HowYaDoin.org.

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