The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

Our Mission

The HowYaDoin (HYD) mission was developed by a crowd funded, non-profit group of people who are engaged in the daily pursuit of a deep and intimate relationship with God the Father, His son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.

In the famous poem by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken, he describes an encounter that most of us experience during our life. The words of his poem describe how our choices can determine future.

As we gaze at our journey through life, we are often presented with two paths. One is worn by the steps of people who prefer a more familiar way with seemingly less risk. The other, however, is somewhat ominous and interestingly strange. Frost refers to this road and the one less traveled by.

The road less traveled, for all of us at HYD, is a path/journey that is in constant pursuit of God with each step and around every corner. This path is much less worn, unfamiliar and be often strange. The path in pursuit of God will draw us to a closer and more intimate encounter with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and one that is constantly revealing and fulfilling.

After many decades of adventurous travel weaving in and out of both roads, we are motivated to present the one less traveled as the preferred choice. The HYD website, and all of its many resources, including its unique FREE Books offer, is available to anyone curious enough to peer down this unique path to God and consider what Frost penned at the end of his famous poem, “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

Are you curious? Would you like to find the road that is an adventure full of what the writer of Philippians tells us; “what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable, and worthy of praise?” (Philippians 4:8 NLT).

Why not Join us? If you chose this road, the one much less traveled, we hope to see you downrange in this life or in the life to come.

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Owned and Managed Website
By, The Scardello Family Foundation
501(c)(3) Crowd Funded Non-Profit Organization
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