The Door

A man I admired viewed life from a unique perspective. While his viewpoint was typical of many from the Greatest Generation living through one of the most momentous periods in history, including the tough times of the Great Depression, World War II, the cultural shift of the 50s, 60s, 70s, and the breakdown of discipline, he seemed to never waiver from the idea that we’re all standing in a very long line just waiting for the next announcement to “move up one.” He was referring to a line that ultimately leads to a door, or as Alexander Barclay, a 14th-century poet and clergyman said, “Death’s Door.” Sometimes, we look up after the most recent announcement to move up, and we’re much closer to that door than we expected. For some, the door seems far off in the distance, and then suddenly very next day, we find ourselves at the front of the line. This might be what a crime victim discovers, or when a doctor gives us an unexpected diagnosis, or even when a celebrity, expecting that life to be long and prosperous decides to end it all quickly.


It’s not surprising that most people don’t think about it and would rather just consider that the line is long, and the door is far away. They can’t even see it, at least not today. The line and the door are, in fact, completely unavoidable. We’re all in that line, and the door is approaching. The question is not whether we want to think about it, it is about what is on the other side of that door, Death’s Door. After all, no one walks with you up to the door, opens it, or walks through it with you. You are solely alone and you are the only one seeing what’s on the other side. Surprisingly, the majority of people think that there is nothing on the other side. It’s just over, that’s it. Some, believe that whatever it is, it’s all good and we shouldn’t worry about it. People of various faiths, Judaism, Mormons, Islam, Buddhists, Hindus, Shintos, Humanists and other spiritually oriented souls have their unique expectations based on their doctrine. But all of these religions believe that whatever happens when you walk through that door, the outcome will be based on how you lived your life. And that is too bad because many people, maybe even the majority, can’t get it perfect all of the time. Christianity, on the other hand, is the only religion that believes differently from all the rest because it’s not about what we do, but what He (Jesus) did. But, what is on the other side of that door for Christians?


Jesus said, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.” John 3:16-20 NLT


He also said, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me (Jesus). There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.” John 14:1-4 NLT


Jesus told Thomas, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NLT


I believe the most important thing Jesus said was, “You must love the Lord you God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” Matthew 22:37 NLT  


We also know, that once we walk through that door, there is no doorknob on the other side and no way out. For non-Christians, that door represents an uncertain outcome, based on what they did or didn’t do. The door for Christians represents a pathway to all that Jesus said, forever, and eternity. The Bible describes walking through the door without Jesus as a different pathway, one that leads us to a place without the light of the Lord. A place of nothing or an existence of total darkness, suffering, and torment, forever. While “The Door” may be far off in the future for you today, it could appear at any moment. So consider this, who would you like to see on the other side greeting you, Jesus, or nothing or utter darkness and suffering? Maybe it’s time to ask, which outcome do we believe is true?


What is Church

Let’s begin by clarifying what the church is not. While it may serve as a place or a source for answers, it is not necessarily “THE Answer” itself. The church is not a haven without problems or troubled individuals; at times, and amongst all the good it does, can be a space that gives rise to challenging experiences. Despite its occasional complexities, the church predominantly consists of people earnestly seeking God. In the context of the Christian church, there is a recognition of the triune God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The infallible and incorruptible nature of scripture as the word of God is acknowledged without exceptions. Christian churches deviating from these fundamental tenets are often Christian in name only.

The essence of the church lies in being the manifestation of what the Bible describes as the gathering of believers with the explicit goal of aiding individuals in finding God. The motivation behind seeking God is universal – both believers and non-believers will confront difficulties and ultimately face death, often in solitude and without companions on that specific day or moment. As we all pass through death’s door, the crucial question arises: what awaits us on the other side? The answers vary, with atheists claiming “nothing,” and various religions proposing alternatives from “reincarnation” to a “state of bliss” or “call it whatever you want.” What remains certain is that everyone will traverse that door. The Christian church endeavors to assist people in receiving the free gift of grace from God through His son Jesus, ensuring that when they pass through that door, He welcomes them to His eternal Kingdom.

Referencing John 3:16 in the Gospel of John, the profound message is conveyed: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” It is this concept of everlasting life that distinguishes Jesus from other belief systems. The church provides a wonderful environment where individuals, seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus, gather collectively. Whether it’s a sizable building with numerous attendees or a small gathering of Jesus’ followers in a home, finding a Christian church is significant. Coming together with like-minded individuals and pursuing an intimate relationship with Jesus are crucial aspects. For these reasons, the Christian Church holds vital importance in our existence this side of death’s door. Don’t overlook it – pursue Jesus by engaging in open dialogue with Him, and you’ll swiftly discover how to hear Him often. For more information, take a look at the resources available at

God’s Story

Upon entering this world, we are immediately enveloped in a whirlwind of attention from our parents and family. Countless photographs capture every moment, milestone, surpassing even the significance of our weddings or unforgettable events or trips. From our first birthday to subsequent life events, whether related to school, sports, or family gatherings, we often find ourselves at the epicenter of “a story, our story,” but not “THE STORY.”

However, it’s crucial to recognize that the world does not revolve around us, and the narrative we are born into is not exclusively our own; it is GOD’S STORY. Understanding His Story becomes the key to making sense of our lives and unlocking a profound sense of joy and happiness beyond imagination. To address the lingering and sometimes painful question of why things unfold as they do, we must clear our minds.

While there is an abundance of books, courses, and teachers offering insights into this subject, one standout recommendation is “THE EPIC, the Story God is Telling” by John Eldredge. This resource provides a clear perspective on God’s Story, delving into the timeless battle that originated with Lucifer’s rebellion and the ongoing victories within this age-old conflict. From the triumph over death at the Cross to the impending FINAL VICTORY, where all scores will be settled and God declares, “Look, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5). 

It’s noteworthy that God doesn’t promise to create entirely new things; instead, He is in the process of making all existing things new. Even in the present day, the evidence of the ongoing war between good and evil is apparent. Consider if gaining a clearer perspective about the life you’re living would be a help to you. If the answer is yes, explore a unique video presentation of “The Epic, The Story God is Telling” by John Eldredge. It offers an excellent opportunity to comprehend God’s Story and our role within it.

Click this video to view the Prologue,, and begin the wonderful journey of Hearing Him Today, really, it’s that simple.
