God’s Story


Upon entering this world, we are immediately engulfed in a whirlwind of attention from our parents and family. Countless photographs capture every moment, and milestone, surpassing even the significance of weddings or unforgettable events or trips. From our first birthday to all subsequent life events, whether related to school, sports, or family gatherings, we often find ourselves at the epicenter of “a story, our story,” but our stories are Not “THE STORY.”

One important lesson that many never learn is and is crucial to recognize that the world does not revolve around us, and the narrative we are born into is not exclusively our own; it is THE STORY, GOD’S STORY. Understanding God’s Story becomes a very important key to making sense of our lives and unlocking a profound sense of joy and happiness beyond imagination. To address the lingering and sometimes painful question of why things unfold as they do, we must clear our minds.

While there is an abundance of books, courses, and teachers offering insights into this subject, one standout recommendation is “THE EPIC, the Story God is Telling” by John Eldredge. This resource provides a clear perspective about The Story, God’s Story.  The Bible unpacks God’s Story, and if you look closely, delves into the timeless battle that originated with Lucifer’s rebellion and God’s ongoing victories within this age-old conflict. From the triumph over death at the Cross to the impending FINAL VICTORY, where all scores will be settled and God declares, “Look, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5) we can begin to understand better why our lives unfold as they do. 

It’s noteworthy to recognize that God doesn’t promise to create entirely new things; instead, He is in the process of making all existing things new. Even in the present day, the evidence of the ongoing war between good and evil is apparent. Consider this question. Would gaining a clearer perspective about the life you’re living help you? If the answer is yes, explore a unique video presentation entitled “The Epic, The Story God is Telling” by John Eldredge. Through its presentation, the video series of Six Acts offers an excellent opportunity to comprehend God’s Story and your role within it.

Click this video play button to view the Prologue, https://vimeo.com/102871289

Join us and begin the wonderful journey of Hearing God speak to you today, really, it’s that simple.

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