How Ya Doin uses one or more companies to place advertisements for our products and services and those of third parties on our Site and third-party sites. Cookies and other technologies such as Web beacons or tags are used to measure the effectiveness of our ads and to determine the display of content and advertising to you based on your interests both on our site, as well as on third-party sites and mobile apps where you may visit. To support this interest based advertising solution, we, and companies who we have contracted with, may use non-personally identifiable information about your visits to our and other Web sites. The information collected does not enable any third-party to identify you individually, without appropriate notice or consent. Although it is our hope that you find the display of advertising to you based on your non-personally identifying browsing interests valuable, if you would prefer not to participate in the services offered through these solutions, you can always opt-out of this activity by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance website Opt Out instructions by visiting their page at